Click here to delete the selected line or lines form the report. You need the teacher's pass code to delete report!
Use this popup menu to choose the number of sets.
Use this check box to toggle between word and numeric equations.
Click here to close the window and start game!
Click here to close the window and pause!
Use this check box to randomize the number of items within a set.
Check here to toggle between Speech Manager or MacinTalk 1.5. These speech drives must be installed in your system folder to use this feature!
This is the Speech Manager voice list. Click on any line to select a voice. If this list does not have any voices, then speech Manager is not installed properly!
This is the Speech Manager voice list. Click on any line to select a voice. If this list does not have any voices, then speech Manager is not installed properly!
This is the Speech Manager voice list. Click on any line to select a voice. If this list does not have any voices, then speech Manager is not installed properly!
This is the current word rate. To change it use the slider!
Click here to test the selected voice!
Type Students First and Last name here!
This is the current sound level. To change it use the slider!
This is the current time limit. To change it, use the slider!
Check here to enable Timer!
To change name, select Change Name... under the Edit menu!
Click here to activate Enter Field. Type on the numeric keypad 0-9 to enter answers. Press return or enter to check your answer!
Click here to Quit!
Click here to clear the current score and start a new game!
Click here to hear the answer or press the Space Bar!